Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chapter Fourteen

My page:
Twitter: @_Ablogger

There's no captures in this chapter because some of you suggested to write the chats instead. Enjoy! 

I opened the window and looked at him.

It was Fahad.

Whaaaat a shittyyy luccckkk.
The day that I have deleted him, I see him?

Fahad: Ghalia wsh tsween hena?

Weird.. I'm expecting that he'll ask about the delete!

Me: 5rbt elsyara
Fahad: Fi a7d byjek wla tbeen aw9lk?
Me: La 5la9 shukrn el7een byji a7d
Fahad: Meen?
Me: Madri
Fahad: 6yb eg3di eb syarti lmn ma yji eli bya54k

I want to stay in his car because there's no AC! 9dgg 7rrr.
But I'm not sure who will pick me up, right? If someone saw me in his car.. Bysh67 tfkerhum.

Me: La bg3d hena
Fahad: 6yb bkefk.. Eee 97 wsh feeh jwalk?
Me: Mafeh shy lesh?
Fahad: Ajal ms7teni?
Me: Ana ms7tk?
Fahad: Ee?
Me: La, ana faj2a ma lgeetk 3ndi 7sbtk mas7ni

I know.. I lied. Ajal agul ee ms7tk?

Fahad: Wsh da3wa Ghalia! T5yli ams7k bs, 6yb 36eni your pin? Wla sawi li add

Wait a minute, why did I delete him in the first place? Because of Ghada right? Bs wsh d5lha feena 9dg?
Y3ni she's not going to take Fahad's mobile and see me in his contacts.. Elzbda its okay, malha d5l 4i elbthra.

Me: 36ni your pin

I un-locked my mobile.

Fahad: 2*******

Then I added him.

Fahad: Fi wa7da esmaha Ghalia swt li add meen ha4i?

He laughed, and I laughed back.

He was standing 3nd shbaki the whole time.
Then I got out of the car because jw ha4uli eli yshelun elsyara, ywdunha 3shan y9l7unha.
The driver went with them, but Lisa stayed with me.

Fahad and I were walking.
Ma r7na b3ed, kna nmshi 3nd ha4a el beet eli kan feeh, beet 9dega.
And Lisa is walking behind us.. Mlgufa!

Then a car stopped and opened a window..

: Ghaliiia, Fahaadd

Both of us looked at the car.

The one who was calling my name is 5alti Nouf.

I walked to the car.

5alti: Yalla erkbi

She was smiling, 3'reba. 7sbtaha btkun m39ba, because I was walking with Fahad..

Lisa and I rode the car with 5alti Nouf, then..

5alti Nouf: Fahad 7bebi trj3 m3ana?
Fahad: La ymkn anam 3nd el3yal
5alti Nouf: 6yb

She closed the window then we moved.

It was silence for a couple of minutes but then 5alti Nouf talked..

5alti Nouf: Wsh beenk enti w Fahad?
Me: Hww wla shy 5alti!

She looked at me and smiled.

5alti Nouf: Ajal wsh jabkum hena?
Me: Wallah 9dfa, faj2a shftah
5alti Nouf: Aaa w lmn 5meteh 9dfa kman?

She laughed.
I think she's talking about what Ghada saw, that hug. Efff!!

Me: Ma 5meeta?
5alti Nouf: Ghada shaftkum yaa Ghalia

She winked.
What I like about 5alti Nouf that she's open minded, if I told her about everything she might get mad a bit but she won't tell my mother of course!

Me: 5alti knt 5ayfa mn elkalb w 5ameta..
5alti Nouf: Aaa 6ayb 7aki omk b'ha4a elmw6'u3 gabl ma he tft7a..

What does she mean? Ghada told my mother? Fuck her.

5alti Nouf: W 36eni jwalk

When I added him, you asked for my mobile?
But I didn't say a word, I handed her my mobile.

5alti Nouf: Esh el password?

T5ylu agul laha?

Me: 36eni aft7a
5alti Nouf: Esh el password?
Me: Y T H L E R D C F D

I was saying random letters that wasn't my password.

5alti Nouf: 5la99 54eeeh mabeeh

She laughed.

We arrived to my house w he ra7t.

I entered my room and kept thinking, should I talk to my mother about the hug that elzg Ghada saw? A9lan what did Ghada told them? A7sahaa mk4baa elkalba!!!!!!

I changed into my PJ then went to my mother's room.
I knocked.

Mama: Ed5li
Me: Mama
Mama: Sami?
Me: Abi agul lk shy
Mama: Guli
Me: Awl shy, Ghada wsh gayla lkum?

She laughed.

Me: Mama traha k4aba
Mama: 7bebti ma y7taj tgulen shy, he tgul enk 5meteh bs twni mgfla mnn Nouf w he fhmtni

She smiled.
Yazenha 5alti Nouf!

I went back to my room and found a missed call from Deema, I called her back.

Deema: Hiiiiii
Me: 5eer?
Deema: Ghaaliaaa

She was laughing, m3 nafsaha.

Me: Wsh tbeen?
Deema: Wsh feets m39ba ya bnyti?

She kept laughing, 9dg mub wgtaha.

Me: Ghada el7ywanaaa t5ylii wsh swtt!
Deema: Wshu?

I told her what happened.

Deema: Umm 6yb Ghalia, enti maska shy 3n Ghada? T3rfeen shy 3anha?
Me: La
Deema: Esm3i, 97 knt bgul lk shy blmdrsa 3n Ghada?
Me: Eeee 9777 wsh ha4a elshy?
Deema: Tdreen enaha gabl shahreen kant m5awya wld 3ami?
Me: K4aabba!!
Deema: Wallah
Me: Wsh draak?
Deema: Malk d5l, 5leni akml esm3i!
Me: Kmli kmli
Deema: w 3amt'ha gf6t'ha
Me: Wsh swwttt laahhha??
Deema: Madri wsh swt laha bs lw 3rft enaha lsa t7aki wld 3ami, ymkn t4b7 Ghada
Me: 6yb he lsa t7akeh?
Deema: Ee
Me: Shukrrnn, esh esmah elkaml?
Deema: Yazeed Alflani, bs ana mali d5l 6yb? w la tgulen l3mt'ha l2nha mhz2a wld 3ami Yazeed kman!
Me: Eee 6ayyybb yalla bye.

I hang up.

El7een mskt 3leha shy!
Lw 3amt'ha 3rft enaha lsa t7aki Yazeed, bt4b7ha. Hahahaha!!!
Wallah awreeha.

I opened my bbm, Ghada's chat.


Me: Ghada
Me: Keef Yazeed?;)
Ghada: Who's Yazeed?
Me: Ghada.. Esm3eeni! E4a k4bti mra thanya w g3dti t7keen 3ni 3nd omi w 5alti aw 3nd ay a7d wallah agul l3mtk fahma?:*
Ghada: I don't know what you're talking about
Me: Okay e4a klmt 3mtk w 3almt'ha ymkn t3rfeen 3an esh ga3da a7ki 97?

I'm not going to tell 3mt'ha 6b3n. bs a5wfha.

Ghada: Ghaliaa la t9ereeen bzzrrr!!!:s
Me: Ajal la tetflseen w tguleen en beni ana w Fahad shy 3shan ma a3lm 5alti Nouf, Abuk, 3mtk..
Ghada: Ok bs wsh drak?
Me: K4a dreet

I know, I shouldn't talk to her like this. She's older than me 3eeb, but still.. You know what she did? Wa7da eb wa7da! W la b3d he t7ki 3ni bs 3shan el hug, eff krht el hug bsbt'ha.


Few weeks later.

Ghada: Ay movie tbeen?

So.. Guess what?
I'm sleeping-over at Ghada's.
Actually we became kind of friends in those past weeks.

Me: Ay shy
Ghada: Tbeen project x?
Me: Ee
Ghada: Dgega hu eb 3'urft Fahad bru7 ajeeba
Me: Lalaaa ana bjeeba

She knows about Fahad.. You know that. But what changed is that she started to help me with him. Mu t5rb 3lay.

Ghada: Laa 5ilwa mafi
Me: Lww sm7tii
Ghada: La
Me: Ella

I went to Fahad's room.

I opened the door without knocking.

Me: Faaahaaad!
Fahad: Bismeelllaaah!

I laughed at him.
Arta3 bzyada. LOL!

Me: 36ni project x bs
Fahad: Lesh?
Me: Bnsulf m3ah, wsh rayk ya3ni?
Fahad: Kli zg

He laughed.

Fahad: Guli a7bk w a36eek 
Me: La

He opened eldrj w jab elmovie.

Fahad: Tbeena? 
Me: Eeeee 
Fahad: Guli a7bk 6yb? 
Me: Mabii 
Fahad: Ma t7beeni? 
Me: Ela 

I blushed.

I sat with him w g3dna nsulf.

Fahad: Wsh rayk ntrfja ana w enti w ns7b 3la Ghada? 
Me: Eee yalla 

He played the movie and we were sitting next to each other.

Then suddenly someone opened door... 


  1. Post chapters faster please and longer please please please please < I'm writing please not plz so please accept what I asked ;;;;))

  2. AMAZING what you write. Mnn jd yhabil. Mtta next chapter?

  3. AMMAAZZINNG!!!!! I Love ur Story!
