Friday, July 13, 2012

Chapter Seven

Lama was staring at them!!

Lama is one of my classmates, she's one of shlt elm9ala. Y33 we hate her
But she wasn't just staring, she took out her mobile and was about to take a picture of them.

So I ran to her and blocked her way.

Lama: Excuse me

I was standing in front of her, she can't take a picture now.

Lama: Move

She pushed me.
B3deen rf3t jwalha to the direction of Deema's table and walked away.
I don't think she took a picture of them because ma 6l3 9uut el camera.

So I went back to Areeb and told her what I saw.
And she said that we have to warn Deema, so we went to her.

Deema: Meen enti?

Oh, I'm still wearing the 6ar7a..
I removed it.
She was really shocked when she saw me.

Me: T3aalii
Deema: Lesh?
Me: Deema agul lk b3den bsr3a t3ali
Deema: La twna
Me: Wsh twna? Emshi bsr3a yalla bnru7!!

Khalid didn't want her to go. Ya bthrah!

While I'm talking to her, Areeb 6yrt 3yunha eb wajhi and pointed behind Deema.

Lama is not alone, Reem her friend is with her!
R7na feha.

Deema: 5la9 entum ru7u w ana bjekum
Me: Deema 7bebti kl elf9l henak wrak, ehmshi gumi!

Well, its a lie. Bs fi Lama w Reem.
Her face expressions changed when I said that.

Khalid: W e4a kl eldnya fi hena wsh d5lhum?
Areeb: Laaa e7lff bss? Deema yalla guumiii emsshhii
Khalid: 3adi yshufuna, yarb enaha zujti blmust8bl b24n allah

Deema blushed when he said that, but Areeb..

Areeb: Yaa j3lll abuuk w 3mk w 5alk w omk w kl 3ayltk yshufunk w wgtaha gul 3adii

Then she pulled Deema and we went to the car.
I think Deema is mad, 3shan fshlnaha.. bs wallah lm9l7t'ha.

She was silence all the way.

Then Deema finally spoke..

Deema: Ghalia

I looked at her.

Deema: Shukrrn

And she hugged me, I hugged her back.

Areeb: W ana?

We laughed then she hugged her.
We chatted and we asked her what happened w k4a..

Then Deema didn't talk, she was counting something eb her fingers.
Shklaha tst3'fr?

Deema: 13
Areeb: Wsh 13?
Deema: Laa amz7 12, madri madri been el 12 w el 14
Me: Wshu?

She blushed.

Me: Deeema wshuu?
Deema: 3dad elbusat

I didn't say a word.
I just took off my shoe and started hitting her with it.
And both of them were laughing..

Deema: Wallah mn 5di wallah

And she laughed so hard.
B3deen I laughed 3adi.

Areeb: El7een 3ndi su2al
Deema and I: Es2li
Areeb: Lama w Reem t7sun bygulun l'a7d?
Me: 6b3n
Deema: Akeeeeed
Me: 3adi ngul en ha4a my cousin wla a5uk wla ay a7d m3lesh

Then I went back home and I was reading some blogs eb my laptop till Deema called me.

I answered.

Me: Hallaaaa2
Deema: Ghaliaa

It sounds like she's crying?

Me: Wsh feeekk?
Deema: Shuffi tweets Lama
Me: Dgega

I checked her tweets, one of her tweets was “Omg its unbelievable what I saw, no one will believe me!
Another one was “But thank god I have a witness and a prove. #pt

If she's talking about Deema, we're in a serious trouble!
By saying 'prove' don't she mean the picture? But she didn't take one.. i guess!

Me: Deema 5la9 na54 jwalha yuum elsbt w nms7 el9ura lw kan fi
Deema: 6yb ymdeha t7ki bdun el9uraaa
Me: La he dayman t6l3 klam 3n elnas, m7d by9dgha ela bl9ura


I'm in my way to the airport, finally my parents are coming back!
I'm surprising them, they don't know that I'm coming to the airport.

I was talking to Fahad on my way..


F.: Weenk?
Me: Syara you?
F.: Beet
F.: Ween ray7a?
Me: M6ar
F.: Btsafreen?
Me: Ee bsafr w bukra mdrsa mthlan :D
F.: Kli zgg =))
Me: Ray7a ajeeb Mama w Baba ;;)
F.: Bji aslm 3leehum ;;)

Ee okay t3al 3shan y4b7k abuy. Lol.

Me: Allah y7yeek=))
Fahad: Brb
Me: Tyt

I arrived to the airport.

I was waiting for them but they're really late.

I called my mother and she answered.. 3'reba, mu bl6yara?

Me: Mama weenk?
Mama: Dubai
Me: Mta jaya Riyadh?
Mama: T2jlt elr7la 7bebti
Me: Mamaa ana belm6aar
Mama: 7bebti erj3i elbeet
Me: Inshallah

Maybe she wants to surprise me?
I asked the man who works here, and he said en elr7la mt25ra w madri esh.
Ya3ni they're not coming now..

I called the driver and he said that he went back home!!
Effff bg3d astnah el7een ?!

When I hang up, I saw Fahad gdami.

Me: Yumma
Fahad: Yay t5afeen wow

he laughed.

Me: Kl zg wallah mu rayga lk
Fahad: Lesh wsh feek?

I told him that the driver went back home and I have to wait for him..

Fahad: Aw9lk?
Me: La shukrn tbeni amut?
Fahad: Tmuten mn wshu?
Me: Swagtk

I laughed.

Fahad: La 9dg tbeen aw9lk?
Me: La shukrn

He waited with me till my driver came then he went back home. How cute?



Today we're going to do our plan and delete the picture.. but how?

Its the third period right now and 5 minutes left for the break.
We're gonna wait till she gets out of the class so we can take the phone from her bag.

The bell rang and we're waiting for everyone to get out.
Now, its just us.
Areeb, Deema and I.

Areeb waited outside the class so when someone wants to enter t9rfa, and we we're searching for the phone!

Deema: Bsr3aa bsr3aa
Me: Maaffi

She took the bag and searched again to make sure, but she didn't find it.

We got out of the class.

Me: Elzg ma jabt jwalha
Areeb: Hww elaa wallah
Me: Wsh draak?
Areeb: Swt tweet gbl shwy mn ubersocial

So the phone is with her..

All the recess we were thinking of a way to get our hands on that phone..

Deema: Wsh raykum n6gha w na54a mnha?
Me: Laa
Areeb: Anaa 3nddi fkrra
Me: Esh?
Areeb: Nru7 leledara
Me: Ee?
Areeb: W ngul en Lama m3aha jwalha 3shan ys7buna b3deen na54a mn el edara
Me: Eeee wallllah kwaissaa

I went to the administration.. alone!

Me: Elslam 3laykum Mrs.Amal
Mrs. Amal: W 3lykum elslam
Me: Mumkn 6lb?
Mrs. Amal: Sami?
Me: Fi bnt m3aha jwalha, w ana mu g9di aftn 3leha bs 7ram ma 9arat tentb'h blf9l. Kl shwy tru7 el7mam 3shan jwalha w ana 9ra7tn a5af mn eljwalat bel4at eli feha camera


Mrs. Amal: Meen ha4i eli m3aha jwalha ?!
Me: Lama Alflani
Mrs. Amal: Fi bnt thanya 3'erha?
Me: Reem Alflani
Mrs. Amal: 5la9 shukrn 7bebti ma g9rti ana b7ki m3ahum el7een
Me: Bs lw sm7ti la tgulen en ana eli glt l2n ma a7b elmshakl w ana 3lmtk en m3ahum jwalat 3shan feha camera w l2naha tlhehum 3n eldrasa mu 3shan shy thani

A7b lmn asawi nfsi bre2a!

I got out from her office and its the forth period now, w jwalt'hum ms7uba! A7sssnnnn.

Finally its the second recess now, so the three of us went to the administration.
There's no teacher in here, klhum ga3deen y9luun.

We got inside the office and found a lot of mobiles, keef n3rf ay wa7d 7gha?

Bs 7mdellah, every mobile have a sticky note with the name of the student.

So we searched for Lama and Reem's and we found it \o/

Areeb: Jwal Lamaa feeh passwordd!!
Deema: 7ta 7gg Reem!
Me: Ya a3'beya2 6l3u el memory w 76uh bjwal wa7da mnkum

They took off the two memory's.

Deema 76t memory eb jwalha w Areeb 76t el memory eb jwalha.

They started searching in pictures but they didn't find anything.

Yarrb ylgun gabl ma a7d yji!!!

Me: Shufffuuu videeoos

They checked the videos, and it was there.
A video of Deema and Khalid sitting together..

Areeb: Ams7a 97?
Deema: La e7na sawena kl ha4a 3shan ntfrj 3leh, wsh rayk y3ni?
Me: Laa la tms7eena
Areeb: Lesh?
Me: Ersleh li b3deen ems7i

She sent it to my phone by bluetooth and both of them are still confused.

We put back everything to its original place and got out from the office bdun ma a7d yshufna.

Deema: El7een lesh tbeen el video?
Me: Nswi capture b3deen nswi editing w n76 9urt your cousin bdal Khalid aw n76 9urt ay zg 3shan lw 7kt ngdr nenkr
Deema: 4kyyyaa
Areeb: Lesh ma n76 Lama bdal Deema bel9ura?
Me: La 7ram



I skipped school today because I have an appointment in the hospital. T7leel, ebra.. yuma!

I went to the hospital without my mother.

The minute I entered the hospital I saw Fahad!!

Me: Lalalalla 9dg wsh jabk? Mu mw3dk yuum elethnen?
Fahad: Ela bs glt lhum y5luna elyuum
Me: Lesh?
Fahad: 3shan ashuf wjhk.. bellahi lesh ya3ni? 3shan bukra msh3'ul ma agdr

He laughed.

I ignored him and walked.
I went to the place that I should go to for my appointment.
Fahad is standing and laughing. He finished, and now its my turn..
Omg, now I'm sitting in the chair and she's about to take my blood!!!

Me: Fahad gul li g9a aw ay shy 3shan ma a5af
Fahad: G9a?
Me: Eee

His face expressions changed.. 

Fahad: M3 eslama

And he walked away. 

Esh feeh ?!