Friday, July 27, 2012

Chapter Sixteen


Some of you wants to put captures instead of writing the chats and some doesn't, so to be fair I'll post some chapters with captures and others without. But this chapter doesn't contain captures, sorry!

Comment on the chapter, please.
Twitter: _Ablogger


You know what happened? Yazeed is leaving her!!

I didn't understand why would he do that?

Fi nas jayeen y56bun Ghada b3d km yuum and she told Yazeed about it. Bs Ghada ma t3rf meen eli jay y56bha, 3'beya! Tgul ast7i as2l 5alti Nouf -_-.
She showed me his reaction in the captures.


Yazeed: I think its time to say good-bye, isn't it?
Ghada~: Why?
Yazeed: Ghada you're getting married, I have to delete you!
Ghada~: Ma 7'awaaffgg 3lllaa el5i6bba yaa Yazeed!!!!
Yazeed.: Ghada ha4i fur9t 3umr, keef ma twafgeen? W a9lan it doesn't matter e4a wafgti aw la, 7ta ana ray7 a56b greeb b24n allah
Ghada~: Yazeed bla estehbal
Yazeed.: Ma a6'n en ha4a elmw6'u3 ynmz7 feeh, allah ywfgk enti wyah yalla bye.

Ghada didn't reply to “Bye”. She was crying, she just couldn't. Then he deleted her, such a 7ywan!

I tried to calmed her down bs ma nf3. After she talked about it, she just couldn't stop crying.
You may think that she's dlu3a but she's not, four years and then he leaves her bkl s'hula? If he really loved her, he wouldn't do that!
Yazeed and Ghada were the cutest couples every, I mean it.

Ghada slept while crying.


The next day.

Ghada: Yalllaa guumiii

I woke up and found a big smile on Ghada's face.
What happened?

Me: Lesh aguum?

I yawned.

Ghada: Emshi bshtri festan, el56ba b3d km yuum!

She looked beyond happy. I didn't want to ruin her happiness by asking her wsh jak? I don't want her to remember yesterday and Yazeed..

I entered the bathroom and did my business then I wore my 3baya and we went out.

We arrived to the mall. Ghada, 5alti Nouf and I.

Ghada is still happy.. efff! Anhablt?
Yazeed, did she forgot about him or what?

Finally when we found the perfect dress.. she teared.

Me: Ghaddaa wsh feeeekk?
Ghada: Ya5tii 5laa9 ma agdr aswii eni fr7aanna maa agdrrr!! a7bb Yazeed wallah a7baah ya Ghalia!!! Kl a7dd y3rf gad esh a7bah, keef atzwj wa7d 3'eraah???


I hugged her w 7awlt ahdeha.
Then 5alti Nouf came.

5alti Nouf: Ghadaa 7bebtti

She hugged her.
5alti Nouf talked to her, she thinks that Ghada is nervous about the engagement..

So.. we bought the dress that Ghada chose and went back home.

Seeing Ghada like this feels really bad. I just wanted to cry.

Ghada went to her room and I waited for her in the 9ala.
Then Fahad came.

Fahad: Hallaaa
Me: Ahleeen

To be honest.. I hated all boys after what Yazeed did. I know.. they're not all alike, but maybe they are right? Ugghh I don't know but I stopped trusting Fahad. Maybe he'll do what Yazeed did eventually!
He sat beside me and we started chatting.
Then I realized how stupid I am, this is Fahad not Yazeed. They're not the same at all, simply DIFFERENT!

Then Ghada came..

She was acting normal 3shan Fahad ma ys2lha wla y7s en feeha shy.

Fahad: Ghada smi wldk Fahad 3la 5alah
Ghada: La
Me: La ana bsmi Fahad
Fahad: Ma ymdeek
Me: Ella, 3la kefk?
Fahad: Yaa 4kyya ma y9l7 el abu w el wld ykunun nfs elesm


Fahad: Heyy enti la tst7een tra ymkn tetzwjeen Fahad thani g9di, mu ana

He laughed.

Me: Meen gal enii abi atzwjk a9lan?
Fahad: M7d 3'9bkk, bs ana abi atzwjk

I love it when he becomes romantic in a kind of hya6 way.. I blushed.
We completed talking about this subject, and whenever he says something I blush.

Fahad stopped making me blush because 5ali Faisal and 5alti Nouf sat with us, and they joined this conversation.

5alti Nouf: Esh btsmeen wldk?

She asked Ghada.

Ghada: Yazeed

5ali Faisal and 5alti Nouf stared at her in a creepy way.

Ghada: Hw wsh feekum?

5ali Faisal looked at 5alti Nouf then both of them laughed.
Ma fhamt, wsh elsalfa?

Ghada: Wshuu?

5ali Faisal smiled.

5ali Faisal: La mafi shy bs ana knt agul l Nouf en enti btsmeen awl wld Faisal bs 5ab 6'ni
Ghada: Inshallah awl wa7d Faisal

She smiled.

5alti Nouf: Faisal gul laha

All of us were shocked, what the hell is they talking about?

5ali Faisal: Ghada 7bebti, ma tgdreen tsmeen wldk Yazeed
Ghada: Leshh?
5alti Faisal: L2n Yazeed Alflani hu eli 6alb ydk

This is Yazeed's family name!!

Ghada smiled the biggest smile ever!!!!!

All of them st3'rbu but she didn't care.

She went to her room and I followed her.

I entered the room behind her and closed the door.

Me: Ghaaadddaaa!!!!!

I screamed of happiness.
We kept screaming and jumping all over her room. El7mdellah!!
I'm glad to see her like this.

Ghada: Bs lesh Baba y3lmni
Me: E7mdi rbk!
Ghada: Lw mufaj2a wallah a7la
Me: Swi nfsk tfaj2ti gdam Yazeed
Ghada: Laa bklmma
Me: Lala

I love seeing her happy!
Both of us sjdna sjuud elshukr. El7mdellah!

Well, Yazeed's surprise is kind of cute but he shouldn't delete Ghada and talk to her like this. 

Half an hour later I went back home.

Few days later.

Ghada's engagement is today and I'm really excited!

My mother and I went to her house.
My mother was helping 5alti Nouf with some stuff while I stayed with Ghada.

Finally, after couple of hours. They arrived, Yazeed arrived!

5alti Nouf gave Ghada a speech before seeing him.
And I was listening to the speech.

The ending of it made me laugh.

5alti Nouf: W e4a 6lb rgmk 36eeh tra 56eebk 3adi
Ghada: La 3ndah ma y7taj

LOL!!! She said that by mistake, she's really nervous!

5alti Nouf laughed.

5alti Nouf: Yalla twkli 3la allah w ru7i

Ghada went downstairs and went to the mjls and we're waiting for her.

We waited and waited..

Then Ghada finally came back.
But.. she had tears in her eyes, whats wrong ?!

5alti Nouf and My mother: Ghada!

They gasped.

El7een wsh feeha? La ykun 6l3 en ha4a mub Yazeed 7bebha?

Me: Lesh t9e7en?
Ghada: Ma a9e7 bs dm3t 3yuni
Me: Elii hu, lesh?
Ghada: 3shan a5eran bntzwaj

Yaa allaaah 4i bs tf9'7 nafsaha, yarrbb en fi Mama w 5alti Nouf!

Mama: A5eran bntzwj?

Both of them laughed.


Few days later..

Its morning and I'm in school.
I checked my bbm.


F.: Ghalia
F.: 97 e7na ma n5bi shy 3la b36'?
Me: Ee?
F.: Lesh ma 3lmteeni 3n Ghada w Yazeed? Gbl el56ba:p
Me: Ma fhamt?
F.: La tst3'been, e5ti kant m5awya w knti tdreen bs m5bya 3lay!!
Me: Ee m5bya, ajal af6'7ha?
F.: Ee tgulen li, l2nk 3arfa eni ma a5bi 3leek wla shy!!!
Me: 6yb

Efff. I'm not discussing this with him.
Bl3gl y3ni, why would I tell Fahad about Ghada and Yazeed before the engagement?

Then I closed my mobile.

We studied the first period, but the second no. We had a mu7a6'ra denya.
While the da3ya was talking, few payed attention.

I liked what she's said, really.
I don't remember everything but what I heard really affected me, I'm surely going to ask her when she finish.

When she finished the mu7a6'ra, a lot of girls went to ask her.
But I waited till everyone finished, I don't want them to hear my question w ysh67 tfkerhum.

Me: Elslam 3laykum
Elda3ya: W 3laykum elslam
Me: 3ndi su2al, mumkn as2l?
Elda3ya: Tf6'li
Me: 7ram elbnat yklmun elawlad?

(I'm going to write what she said in Arabic 3shan kant t7ki lu3'a 3rbya fus7a. Its better in Arabic.)

Elda3ya: نعم لأنها تؤدي إلى الفتنة والوقوع في المعصية

What? So its 7ram?

Me: 6yb shukrn

I walked away.
OMG!!! What I'm doing is 7ram?
Twni adri wallah!

Should I end this with Fahad? But I can't. I'm going to regret this.
Ghalia, no. Don't think like this, you have to end it. 6a3t rabi ahm.

I went back to the class and I'm still thinking of what she said.
Efffff. I don't know what to do!

I talked to Areeb and Deema in the recess and told them about my question that I've asked.
Areeb didn't say a word, she still talk to boys y3ni. But Deema tried to help me.

Deema: 5la9 7akeh w ems7eeh, bs fhmeh awl
Me: La Deema ma agdr w a9lan hu shwy m39b mni
Deema: Ummmm 6yb fi 6rega thanya bs ma a7s bt6'b6
Me: Esh?
Deema: T9ereen tzbdeen lah lmn ma hu eli y6fsh w yms7k
Me: Deeemaa laa wsh tbeen entti!

I thought about what the da3ya said, I can still hear her words.
I have to do something.


I went back home, kissed my parent's forehead, then I went upstairs.
I changed my clothes and went downstairs.

I wasn't talking, I'm thinking of Fahad..
Bs 9dg no need to end this right? No.
Nrj3 friends bs? YES.

I know, even being friends with a boy is not okay in Islam but its better than lovers right?

I opened my mobile and talked to him.


Me: Fahad!
F.: Yes?
Me: Madri keef abda bha4a elmw6'u3 bs wsh rayk n9er friends zy awl w bs?
F.: Ghaliaa -_-
F.: 3shan 39bt 3leek elyuum el9ba7?
Me: Laa
F.: Ajl?

I told him about the da3ya.

F.: Ee 5la9 bkefk, friends it is.
Me: ;p
F.: :*
Me: x


That simple? In a minute, 3la 6ul ee?
Ghalia stop thinking like this. What you did is the best for you and for everyone. That wasn't a mistake what you just did.

I tried to convince myself but I couldn't. It feels like a big mistake!


5 hours later.

I talked to Fahad.


Me: Heey kefk?
F.: Gd u?
Me: Good

He didn't reply. Okay.. did I hurt him?

Me: Fahad:p
F.: Halla

Should I say what I'm thinking of?
Should I?
Amz7 ella yalla bismellah.

Me: Tra ana wallah a7bk Fahad, 8smn bellah a7bk bs 3shan rabi w a3mali ya Fahad!

Tyyypppiinnggg wwhhhaatt I jusssttt saaiidd feelllltttt scaarrrryyy!!!
I'm really afraid from his response.

OMG w9l lah.

R. Its an R. He read it. Yummma!!!

Is writing a message..

My heart is beating, like the first time I told him. Hoping it won't be the last.

F.: Ghalia wallah ana akthr bs 5lena friends zy ma glti w ma y7taj n4kr nfsna enena kena n7b b36' mu a7sn?
Me: Ok


I regret telling him that we should be friends. It hurts.

I'm stupid. But no, what I did is right.


Its Wednesday.

In the past days, Fahad and I were talking just like two friends who just got to knew each other. In another word, strangers.

Our un-stopping conversation tuned into a “Hey how are you” “Good you” “Good” kind of conversation.
Reading our chat history makes me tear.

I'm talking like I lost him but I didn't el7mdellah, but I lost what we had. didn't I? 

But I'm trying to get this out of my mind, I'm going to Areeb today.

I changed my clothes, wore my 3baya and rode the car.

I arrived to Areeb's.
Deema was there.

We stayed near the swimming pool.

Deema: Meen awl mra shfteeh hena?

She laughed.
Fahad. Here was the first time that I saw him.

We changed this subject and continued chatting. 

Till my phone rang.. it was Fahad. 
I answered. 

Fahad: Fi bnat 3nd Areeb, enti m3hum? 
Me: Ee ana w Deema w Areeb
Fahad: Gulelhum yru7un, abi a7akek 
Me: 6yb 

what? did he dialed a wrong number? 

I told the girls, then they went inside and I waited for him. 


  1. The best chapter. Loved it <3

  2. WooooW t7mst :o
    Nzly ely b3dh l,7eeen ;(

  3. Chapter seventeeen please :'''''(

  4. amaaziing you're truly talented :c<3 next chapter pleeease :c<3xx

  5. I LOVED IT <3<3!!!

  6. t7mssttttt , please nzllii the next chapter b,asra3 awgt ymdek feh <3

  7. Can't wait for the next chapte<3<3

  8. AMAAZING .. The next chapter please ?! :'( mraaa mt7msaaa «3«3


  10. THIS IS AMAZING NEXT CHAPTER PLEASE TAKFA Mo lazm a8ool wsh takfa tsawy ;;)

  11. AMAZING ! i actually read a lot of (s3oudyen) stories But urs is the BEST i thought saudi
    s couldn't write so good but WOW was i mistaken ! AMAZING i read it in on day & teared up , it's amazing but i want to ask you , did you write it long time ago or are you writing and posting ? K thx BYE & LOVE YAH

    1. Thaankk youu it means a lot wallah :**
      I'm writing and posting x

  12. how many chapters is the story going to be ?

  13. Amazing *.*! When is the next chapter?:(

  14. Your story is THE BEST story i have EVER read.. Keep on doing what you're doing <33 but i just have a question.. Is this based on a true story? <33

  15. A7B UR STORY YA5I <3 17 ASAP !!!!
