Monday, July 23, 2012

Chapter Thirteen

 The laugh were coming from up.
Is it a bird or what?

Both of us looked at the direction that the laugh came from.

It was from Ghada's window, from her room!!!

Yaa allaah fsheelllaa!!

Ghada: 6yuur el7ubb

She kept laughing.

I didn't say a word, none of us talked.
I just walked inside the house, wore my 3baya and went back home with my mother.
Do you think that she'll tell anyone? 5alti Nouf? My mother? Laaa inshaallaah!
Even if she did, they won't beileve.
I'll say that I hugged him because of the dog, that's why I hugged him the first time right?

But the second hug was different, it was a long one. Y3ni 7ta lw knt 5ayfa ma 7'a5ma zy k4a.

All this day I was thinking of Ghada's laugh.. she saw us!!

I tried to get this out of my mind but I couldn't.
I want to add her and talk to her gabl ma he t7ki l'ay a7d.

But from where I'll get her pin? Fahad? No.

While thinking.. Fahad called.

I didn't answer, 7seet enaha Ghada.
Then again he called.

I answered this time.

I didn't talk.
I'm waiting for him to talk.

Fahad: Ghalia?

7mdellah its Fahad not Ghada.

Me: Halla?
Fahad: Ghada klmtk wla swt lk add?
Me: La lesh?
Fahad: S2ltni 3n rgmk w your pin bs glt en ma 3ndi

Wsh tbi feeni?

Me: Lesh tdwr rgmi w my pin?
Fahad: Tbi t7akek
Me: B esh?
Fahad: Madri bs tra kman s2ltni 3n your twitter account w 36et'ha
Me: Lesh ?!
Fahad: 3adi tbi t7akek, elzbda lw s2ltk eni 3ndk bbm wla ay shy la tgulen traha ma t3rf tskt
Me: 6yb shaftna tra!!
Fahad: Adri, t5yli tgul lome aw omk?

Cute ysmi 5alti Nouf omi? Eff mub wagti.

Me: La inshallah!
Fahad: Mohammed yalla m3 elslama ashufk bukra

Mohammed? Ymkn Ghada elbthra d5lt..

Me: 6yb bye.

I hang up, then I checked my twitter, I skipped everything. I just checked my followers.
And yes Ghada followed me..

I followed her back.

I'm expecting that she'll dm me? But she didn't.
So I locked my mobile without replying on mentions or bbm chats and slept.


Lisa: Yalla wake up school!

I woke up, I'm still in bed. I didn't move, I just opened my dms with fear. Bsmeillah.

She talked to me!!

Mashallah amdaha trd eb dgega?
I added her then I left my phone.

Entered the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face and slept for 5 minutes. Lol.

Then I changed into my uniform.
I ate my breakfast, I usually don't but I'm trying to ignore my phone. 5ayfa ashuf.

Finally, when I finished everything I rode the car and un-locked my mobile.

I checked bbm..

She's talking to me.

Efff 9dg enaha bthra!!

Thank god that everyone knows that dogs is my biggest fear, haha!

SHIT!!! Efffff yaa alllaah esh aswwi el7een? Wsh agul?

I didn't open the chat, I left it k4a w trkt jwali.

I arrived to school, and yes I'm late..

I finished my exam and it was easy el7mdellah.

It was the fifth period and the teacher is absent. This day is more than amazing, an easy exam w 79a fra3'? Bs Ghada m5rba elyuum.

I didn't tell Areeb nor Deema about Ghada and the hug..

But I talked about Ghada and told them that we studied together.

Areeb: A7sk tkrheen Ghada

She laughed.
I don't hate her bs mnrfztni.

Me: La hw leeh akrha

I laughed.

Areeb: Madri
Deema: He Ghada Alflani zy Fahad 97?

Areeb gb9t'ha 3shan 9ut'ha kan 3ali w kna blf9l, so..

Me: Ee lesh?
Deema: La wla shy
Me: La wshu Deema?
Deema: B3deen agul lk
Me: El7een!
Deema: 5la9 b3deen

The school finished and I went back home.

I arrived home and still.. I haven't checked my bbm.
I kissed my parent's forehead.

Mama: Btnameen?
Me: Ee
Mama: Bgwmk, fi 3zema eb beet jdtk elyum
Me: 6yb

then went upstairs to take a nap, I'm so sleepy!

I checked my bbm gbl ma anam, 6b3n ma a3rf anam bdun ma ashfua.

I opened Ghada's chat..


I hate how she reply really fast, ma t36eni for9a afkr b eli agulah!

Even if she knew about us m7d b9dgha 97?

I don't care a9ln.


My mother wake me up.
I got dressed, applied some make up then wore my 3baya and rode the car with my mother.
We're going to pick 5alti Nouf and Ghada, efff.

We arrived to their house, and my mother called 5alti Nouf billions of times but she didn't answer.
So she told me to go inside and tell them that we arrived.
I got out of the car.

We were inside the house already bs bel7ush so I entered the villa.

Fahad was playing play station bl9ala.

Me: Ween 5alti Nouf?

When he saw me, he stared.

Fahad: Wsh 4al jamal?
Me: Shukrn, ween 5alti Nouf 6yb?

I laughed.

Fahad: Fug

He called her room then she came, with Ghada..

Ghada were giving me those looks eli tnrfz, wdi ashwt'ha.
We rode the car then went to the 3zema.

We arrived.

There were Sara, Lulu's cousin. You know her..
But Lulu wasn't there.

Sara, Me, some other girls were sitting in the other mjls as always.

After dinner, Sara and I went to wash our hands.

While washing..

3mt Fahad and Ghada came.

3mt Fahad: Ha wsh glti eb Fahad?

She winked.
She wants Sara for Fahad, I felt a bit jealous but I laughed 3shan Ghada ma t7s.

Ghada: La 3mti a5uy ma ya54 ela eli y7bha 97 Ghalia?

NA33AAMM?? 3naaadd tf6'77 y33nii???

3mt Fahad: W ween ha4i eli y7bha?

She smiled.

Ghada: Gdamk

She winked.


I smiled then walked away.


The next day I deleted Fahad without saying anything.
K4a fj2a ms7tah w 6feet my bbm.

Today I'm going to Deema's.

I didn't have fun at all, I'm thinking of Fahad..
At the end of the day, Areeb went back with me.
B76ha eb bet'ha.

W9lna bet'ha w ra7t.

Then we moved.

Suddenly, in our way the car stopped.

Me: Lesh wgft?

I asked the driver.
He got out of the car and tried to know what's wrong but he couldn't. So I called my mother.

Me: Mama elsyara faj2a 5rbt
Mama: Yaa allah wsh feeha?
Me: Madri
Mama: Greeba mn elbeet?
Me: Ma a6'n madri
Mama: 6yb ween Areeb?
Me: Wdet'ha beet'ha, 5ali elsawag elthani yji bs!
Mama: Ma54 ejaza
Me: 6yb 5la9 bklm Deema wla Areeb..
Mama: Klmeni w guleli wsh by9er
Me: Inshallah

I called Areeb, she said that she can't. 7Ta Deema, a9lan its too late.

I got out from the car because the air conditioner is off.

I called my mother and she said that someone is going to pick me up. I

Our car stopped in front of a house, kna b7arat. And it was EMPTY. Bs y5wf.

Faj2a a house door opened.

I looked to see who it was..

A Boy.

Lfeet 3la 6ul, mabi ana6'ra w y7sbni atmel7.
3'6eet wajhi kman.

Then more than 5 boys got out of the house w g3du yst9'rfun 3lay.

But one of them were defending.
I didn't bother to look back to see who it was, I rode the car.
El7rr ahwn mn ma ag3d belshar3 k4a.

One of the guys came to my car and knocked on the window, I didn't look.
Then he said “Ghalia

So I opened it.  



  2. Kef t8olen " I talked about Ghada and told them that we studied together."
    W b l,chapter ely 8bl 8lty enha tdrs bra w ma 7'9rt l,zawaj :/ ??

    1. Yes Ghada tdrs bra w ma 79'rt elzwaj because of her exams, and when I said 'I talked about Ghada and told them what studied together.' I ment that I talked to the girls about Ghada, and told them that I studied with Fahad, not Ghada.

  3. Next chapter ?! «3«3

  4. I think you forgot but I'm not sure
    You forgot to tell us what Deema was going to say about Ghada?

    But you're a GREAT writer!, keep up the good work sweetie ;)

    1. No I didn't, it will be in the next chapter. Thank you :*

  5. tara wallah ymkin a9eee7 law you dont post the next chapter soon! im in love with it!

  6. Post long chapters this is not fair

  7. You're an amazing writer mashallah! And your story is more than amazing keep going! But i think if you wouldn't put the chats between you and any of the characters as pictures it would be better. What i mean that if you could write them it would be better:p love your story

  8. Yeah I think the same ^
    I think it will take shorter time too

